A review by dark_reader
Marionettes, Inc. by Mark A. Nelson, Ray Bradbury


Please, do not spend money on this short story collection, 'short' being the operative word, since it can be read in entirety in less than an hour. It contains only one new story, a very short story which is quite forgettable and which comes across as an elderly lament over current technology, as in "too many smart phones, too many internets...". One of the 'stories' is a 'play' treatment that is just a re-write of another story from this same collection. But, if you must pick this up because of love of or curiousity about Bradbury, do so only if you can get it for free (e.g. library), or better yet, read some classic Bradbury collections instead, like the Martian chronicles, or the Illustrated man.
At least, the titular 'marionette' stories (robotic human duplicates) were fun and a bit juicy, in a pulpy manner, and not at all like other sci-fi writers' well-controlled robot concepts (such as Asimov).