A review by dantastic
Immortal Hulk Vol. 4: Abomination by Al Ewing


Rick Jones' body has been exhumed and the Hulk is looking for it. Too bad he's walking right into a trap...

Immortal Hulk: Abomination collects Hulk #16-20 and it's pretty damn spectacular.

Someone steals Rick Jones' body for nefarious purposes. It turns out they're planning on using it as a weapon against the Hulk. Fortunately, the Hulk and Doc Samson have other plans, plans that involve gore and mass destruction. Throw in one Betty Ross-Banner and it's like throwing matches into a powder keg.

As I've said in previous volumes, the Hulk as a horror book should have been done decades ago. Ewing's Hulk is a pissed off pitbull wandering your neighborhood and you're praying his gaze doesn't meet yours. Bennett's Abomination is a grotesque horror, hearkening back to Arcane's creations in Swamp Thing, just one of the ways Immortal Hulk reminds me of Swamp Thing on occasion.

The only thing I don't like about Immortal Hulk is that I know the ride has to end at some point. Al Ewing and Joe Bennett continue their horror take on the Hulk and this one keeps the winning streak alive. Four out of five rampaging Hulks.