A review by lauralore
Anything Between Us by Mila Ferrera, Sarah Fine


Anything between us

★★★★☆ - solid four stars

Nate returns to hometown reluctantly after leaving the military. Sasha is an artist who, takes care of her father , who is suffering from Alzheimer’s, and usually doesn't do anything except work and take care of her father. The first Sunday of September, however, she goes out and finds a guy to have a little fun with - for one night only - and this year Nate is that guy.

This book actually really surprised me, I didn’t expect to like it as much as I did. I actually couldn't put it down once I started reading.

Where I was expecting just a fluffy piece of chick-lit, this book feels raw, dealing with some heavy and complicated mental issues, including depression, grief, PTSD, and anxiety, while also dealing with diseases such as Alzheimer's and cancer, and the stress they can cause to those around them, without romanticising any of these issues too much.

I like that this is a slow-burn romance, not insta-love, despite Sasha and Nate being immediately physically attracted to each other. Although I did feel the urge to hit both of them over the head at some points of the book because they were being so stubborn.

The characters are very compellingly written, who seem so real that you end up feeling invested in them.

*Thank you to the publisher for providing an ARC of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*