A review by theartolater
Silver by Chris Wooding


I don't really know what to say about a book that is literally a horror movie that puts aside much of the way of character development and setting in favor of dropping a bunch of kids into a major scientific disaster. I have plenty of respect for books or movies that do this skillfully - after all, there is plenty of room in the literary/theatrical diet for candy.

Silver succeeds at being a fast-paced big-budget horror piece, but doesn't do much else. The plot involves nanotechnology and infections, so it's sort of a futuristic zombie tale, and it follows up with plenty of action and okay pacing. The problem is that, if you're going to abandon other storytelling tropes in favor of this sort of thing, you either need to kick it into very high gear or go over the top, neither of which this book achieves, or even appears to strive for.

I can see this being good for reluctant readers, but if you're well-versed in this sort of sci-fi, you might have more fun elsewhere.