A review by stressedspidergirl
Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham (2023-) #1 by Rafael Grampá, Mat Lopes


I feel like I'm reading an R Rated Batman: Year One from Miller. That's the bulk of the review.

The diary-esque sort of vibe to his thoughts, the darkness of them, it feels very Miller.

This is still a fairly early Batman, I would think. He's learning how his tech works, how his suit works, Gordon is a detective.

Bruce is having trouble fighting a serial killer who doesn't seem to have superpowers or fantastical training. But maybe he does.

It's a weird vibe, reminds me of some of those video games that came out lately based on those "creepy" musical cartoons from the Betty Boop era. (I'm going to remember the name as soon as I hit post, and be mad at myself.)
Cab Calloway. And like Bendy, or Cuphead. That's what it feels like, vibe wise. (I didn't play the games but... it just feels like how I imagine those would.)

The story is interesting enough I do want to know what happens next, which is good, but the vibe just feels like unhinged Batman which generally isn't a Batman I give too many f's about.