A review by helpfulsnowman
Sports Is Hell by Ben Passmore


Ah, the award-winning graphic novel. We meet again.

Every so often a comic, excuse me, graphic novel comes along that people seem to really love. I like to call these "NPR graphic novels." Onion AV Club likes them, too. These are comics that nerdy adults who don't normally read comics feel okay reading because someone told them it was okay. In fact, it's timely, so double-plus-good! That book Here? You remember that shit?

You know how if you could hook up a machine to record your dreams and watch them later, they'd probably make no sense? There are no transitions in dreams, no progression, no linear narrative? That's what this feels like. It's a record of a dream without much to help the reader see something specific.

I think...There's an element at play of people not wanting to admit that they read this and didn't know what the fuck was going on. To admit that is to admit that you're too stupid for a comic.

But, aha! I've got the upper hand now because I have ZERO fear of admitting I'm stupid.

So I guess I'm too stupid for this book.