A review by ripavengers
Dangerous Remedy by Kat Dunn


I was told this book had heists, found family, and gay people so of course I had to pick it up and add it to the collection. There is just something about gay people in historical France that is oh so magnifique.

The relationship between Camille and Ada felt quite interesting as they clearly loved each other but personal duty often got in the way until they realised what they had was stronger and more important.

I really liked this book but I just wish we got more. Everything went by so fast and it felt to short and almost rushed. I also wish we had povs from more characters. As much as I love Camille and Ada I want to know more about Al and Guil and Olympe and even James.

I’m hoping the next book will provide more insight into these characters but I’m still excited to see where this goes.