A review by alisonmac86
The Human Santapede by Adam Millard


I am a terrible person. Both for finding this one of the most hilarious books I've ever read and for taking such an insanely long time to actually post Adam's promised review - sorry, Adam!

There's not a lot I can really say about this book which you won't have gleaned from the title. It is simply ridiculous in all the best ways and had me laughing out loud (and trying in vain to hide the cover from other patrons of the library).

The film on which the concept was based freaked me out. I won't say it 'scared' me but it left me with an uncomfortable aftertaste (much like those in the film, I imagine). This book turned that on its head and made it one of the funniest ideas I have ever come across. For that I am eternally grateful to Mr. Millard.

There's nothing tongue in cheek (or any other orifice) about this novel, it's all laid bare (the puns just keep on coming!) for the reader's twisted enjoyment. It's rude, offensive, completely without taste...but then that's what you pick up a book by this particular author for, is it not?

Christmas with a many-legged twist.