A review by lagobond
Analog: Readers' Choice by Stanley Schmidt, Raymond Z. Gallun, Lester del Rey, L. Sprague de Camp, Clifford D. Simak, John W. Campbell Jr., Eric Frank Russell, Tom Godwin, Roger Zelazny, Orson Scott Card, Robert A. Heinlein, Joan D. Vinge

Not sure how to rate this book. A lot of what I read feels very outdated, sexist/misogynistic, boring, poorly written. I listlessly read bits here and there, and nothing really grabbed me, so it's possible that I missed out on something good, but I got to a point of no longer caring, so DNF it is.

However, I loved "Some Curious Effects of Time Travel," by L. Sprague de Camp (1942) which was a firecracker of a fun story; and "What Do You Mean -- Human?" by John W. Campbell (1959), a deliciously philosophical little treat.

I will abstain from giving a rating, and leave you with a hearty recommendation for these two short stories, which have stood the test of time.