A review by meloches
The Kindred Killers by Graham Smith


The second book in the Jake Boulder series by Graham Smith and published by Bloodhound Books, I was so excited to crack into this one! I had read the previous novel in the series, Watching the Bodies, earlier this year and I loved it. A fast-paced, suspenseful, action-packed story led by brooding protagonist, Jake Boulder; this one read like a police procedural novel…but better! I am not going to lie; I was expecting to be completely blown away by the second book in the series, especially since I loved the first one so much. I am glad to say that this book lived up to my expectations. Graham Smith blew me away with his intricate plot and non-stop action. I couldn’t read this one fast enough.

This novel pretty starts off meeting Jake Boulder where the previous novel left off. Boulder is still up to his “ways” and I couldn’t help but smile within the first few pages. Jake absolutely has that dark and handsome vibe going on. His best friend, Alfonse, approaches Boulder for help after finding out his cousin has been crucified and burned alive, along with his wife and children. SAY WHAT?? Talk about a plot. Smith takes a no prisoners approach within his prose and I was both disturbed and intrigued by the descriptions of these crimes. Like Karin Slaughter, I find Graham Smith has a unique approach while writing about these heinous acts; completely purposeful and done with taste, these scenes add so much to the tone and nature of the text without being overdone or offensive.

Without giving away any plot points, it will be hard to discuss this novel in its entirety but I must say, similarly to the first novel in the series, Smith doesn’t leave much room for his reader to slow down and catch their breath. The plot moves quickly and dynamically and is filled with several twists and heart-pounding moments. I was on the edge of my seat.

As mentioned, this novel is the second in the series and, although the novel can be easily read as a standalone, I firmly believe that Jake Boulder is a character that will make you want to go back and read the first novel. Not only that, but Graham Smith’s writing style is one that is not to be missed. In my opinion, a must read for all crime thriller fans.