A review by cbarsotti
Brotherhood of the Wolf by David Farland


A very entertaining read. Starts off kind of slow and contains many fantasy cliches. That being said, it is also action packed and has a very unique feel to it as well.

Farland has trouble giving life to the main characters, I feel like they really don't have any consistent personality and are very boring. There are a lot of side-characters that are really personable and you come to really enjoy, however they are also lumped in with even MORE side characters who you vaguely get to know but are just killed off for shock value it seems (Re: That serving girl in "The sum of all men")

In addition, Brotherhood of the Wolf suffers from being a second child kind of in the way of "Empire Strikes Back", where it is not at all a stand alone novel. Not only does it have a lot of recapping and exposition but many of the storylines are unfinished at the end of the book.

I would say it is a good read for anyone picking up the book, but just start without any expectations.