A review by kegan
Coyotes, Vol. 2 by Sean Lewis



I really, really, really wanted to enjoy this more than what I did. I wanted to feel more of Red's backstory, her relationship with her sister Maria, The Duchess' relationship with Maria, more history of the battle grannies... but it just fell flat. Entirely. What's even worse is that during this epic battle that required sacrifices on BOTH sides,
Gaia only appears for what, all of 10 panels? And that includes making an entrance! All before being what honestly appears to have their throat slit on ACCIDENT, leaving Red to be the one who saves them all.
It feels like everything was rushed into 8 volumes, and we didn't get to really figure out the details of a lot of things. Why is it that men were able to transform into werewolves just by wearing a pelt? Where did
the thousands upon thousands of women appear from at the very end of the book?
Why didn't the dolls have a bigger impact after Red learned the truth about them? The story is seemingly over with, so we may never know.