A review by michalice
The Forever Girl by Rebecca Hamilton


I have had my eye on The Forever Girl for a while, and I think I have an eBook of it on my old eReader so when the opportunity came up to join the blog tour for it with Dark World Books I jumped at the chance.  The synopsis alone drew me in, but added with an amazing cover it was easy to say yes.

Sophia is wicca, add her family history to the story and people in her town blame her for everything going wrong or people getting sick, saying she is setting curses on them.  Enter Ivory, one of Sophia's friends who takes her to a new club and that is where the action starts.  She ends up mixed up in things she never dreamt about, but has a Knight in shining armour to save her, Charles.
I will admit that when I started reading The Forever Girl I was distracted easily, but I quickly found myself hooked within the story and found it hard to put down.  During the story there is a natural progression, not only between the relationships and friendships between the characters, but also with how we learn new things along with Sophia and each new revelation was a surprise that added new twists and turns to the plot.

Charles truly was a knight in shining armour, and in the beginning he is there for Sophia, whether she wants him there or not, and one scene in particular at the cafe had me in stitches.  I loved Sophia's snarky answers to his questions or statements and I was literally laughing out loud reading it.  The Forever Girl was by no means a quick read, but it was one I enjoyed.  I never knew what would happen next or what turn Sophia and Charles would take.  When a secret is revealed to Sophia about someone she cares about I was shocked, it was not something I expected, but the resulting flashback that follows this event was very insightful and I enjoyed getting to see some characters histories and the meaning behind the title.

The Forever Girl was a book I really enjoyed and I would definitely read any books that follow Sophia and see what her next adventure is.