A review by jesse421
Autobiography of a Corpse by Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky


1920's Russian short stories, and unfortunately a Big time Not for Me. I can't say that it's bad, but the horror-esque title got me interested, and they're certainly not horror stories. What are they? Sort of semi-fantastical/historical/philosophical ruminations. With some math/physics stuff in there too. I'm someone who doesn't like history (and doesn't know squat about early 20th century Russia) or  math/physics. And I *want* to like philosophy but can only think about it for a minute until I lose focus. So it just didn't play well for me.

For me the highlights of the book are when Krzhizhanovsky gets into mythology, and has fun with short bursts of stories within stories that feel like fables. But these are few and far between, and sadly a majority of this book felt like something I had to force myself to get through, rather than something I enjoyed. But I also realize that's on me - most of this book was (definitely) out of my wheelhouse and (probably) over my head.