A review by katykelly
The Little Grey Men by B.B.


Nostalgic, rural/woodland fantasy.

I'd never heard of this, it was suggested I try it as an aficionado of children's literature. Children today will still find a lot to enjoy here, there are shades of Hobbit-like arboreal fantasy, quests and adventures, with small people the heroes in a big world of dangers.

The last gnomes in Britain - Sneezewort, Baldmoney, and Dodder - live harmoniously by Folly Brook, where they have lived for many hundreds of years. One Spring they awaken from their winter slumbers and resolve to go searching for the missing brother, Cloudberry, who went exploring two years previously and never returned.

From building the boat that will see them on their way, to the friends they'll meet, adventures they'll have, it's an outdoors tale full of trees, animals, natural dangers and even deadly peril. The gnomes are resourceful, brave and have enough personality to set them apart from each other.

I enjoyed discovering a new author/title I'd never encountered before, and though the structure/plot was a familiar one, liked the protagonists and their quest, it's one I'd consider reading aloud at bedtimes to a KS1/2 listener as well.

Plenty of quaint and classic-feeling exploits here for ages 7-12.