A review by elisabethjordan
Intimate Frontiers: Sex, Gender, and Culture in Old California by Albert L. Hurtado


I would not usually pick up this book. It's not really my style, but my California History class wanted me to so like a good student, I read it. Despite my low rating, I do think this was a well written and focused book. It wasn't even as dry as I thought it would be.

It told a story that went way past the glorified picture often painted by fiction of the west in the 1800s. It delved into gritty details backed up by cited anecdotes and facts. If you enjoy historical non-fiction, and are looking to learn about delicate details of 1800s California life, read this.

I'm glad that my classes are having me branch out in my reading, but still... its never any fun to be forced to read something. That, paired with the fact that this is way outside of my preferred genres, Intimate Frontiers did not end up being a very enjoyable experience for me. I DID learn from it though, so I'm left conflicted.