A review by msdeecm
The Fling by Rebekah Weatherspoon


This review originally appeared on Brazen Reads.

This book starts with a sex scene but if you think this will set the tone for it, I am happy to report that you're mistaken. I found this one to be a very thoughtful and realistic example of romance fiction. I was actually surprised at how many boxes it ticks without it being clichéd. I guess I should take things from the top.

In case you skipped reading the summary above and can't tell from the cover, this is a book about two women falling in love. Annie is the pampered princess type, who works in TV production while Oksana is the biracial personal trainer hired to help her get in shape for her wedding. Complications soon arise as they give in to their mutual attraction, leading to some steamy girl-on-girl scenes. Their sex scenes are some of the best sex I've read this year.

But their story is about more than that. The characters are vulnerable, they have colourful pasts and I found that at different times I could relate to both of them. In the tradition of romance heroines, they are every woman as she falls in love, only there are two of them in the story so the reader sees different reactions to the same situations. The characters have problems beyond their love lives, which, I think, is what makes this books so realistic. Yes, falling in love consumes one's life but there are usually more things on the plate that also have to be dealt with.

Ms Weatherspoon's writing is flowing effortlessly and I found myself wanting to keep reading way past my bedtime. It is not a pageturner but a rather comforting book, or at least it was for me. I know that I will be returning to read the interactions between Oksana and her family as well as the last chapter (or at least parts of it) again and again.

Overall, this is a definite recommendation from me. Even if you don't necessarily like girl-on-girl sex. As it says on the cover, it's worth much more than the fantasy.

I won the book at a promotional giveaway following its release in April. Rebekah Weatherspoon also writes the Vampire Sorority Sisters Series, with Blacker than Blue coming out in January 2013.