A review by faeriedrumsong
Her Stories: African American Folktales, Fairy Tales, and True Tales by Virginia Hamilton


Virginia K Hamilton is seriously a legend. The stories in here are little known stories that are engaging, funny, scary, interesting, twisted, sad...

They come from all over the black american diaspora, and with the insanely beautiful artwork by Leo and Diane Dillon, this is for sure worth while to have in the home.

Recommended for people ages 4 and up. The little ones will enjoy them as fairy tales, and the older kid in all of us will enjoy them on multiple levels.


loved this story, but it is so sad and weird, that i couldn't really tell you why, since I'm normally a happy ending kind of girl. The meanness of her family seems to have no root cause. You know that the parents dont want Marie with the prince, but other thanher being "too young for courtin" you don't know why. Although that seems like a good enough reason in a modern world, the folk tales mostly seem to be from a time when young marriages were the norm, so on its own, that excuse doesnt hold water, to me. And when the father literally ate his daughters love, that was just... ugh. The ending was definitely bittersweet sad. I felt sorry for the mom, too, who had a blown up husband at home and a lost daughter at the shore...