A review by rheandante
This Is Not a Border: Reportage & Reflection from the Palestine Festival of Literature by Omar El-Khairy, Ahdaf Soueif


Here, on this slice of historic Palestine, two generation of Palestinians have been born and raised under occupation. They have never known another—normal—life. Their memories are filled with images of hell. They see their tomorrow slipping out of their reach. And though it seems to them that everything outside this reality is heaven, yet they do not want to go that heaven. They stay because they are afflicted with hope.

— Mahmoud Darwish.


I am ashamed, honestly, this is my very first time reading a book about Palestine. Sebelum baca buku ini juga baru bisa menyempatkan diri untuk nonton film dokumenter seperti 5 Broken Cameras, Born in Gaza, dan Jenin Jenin—yang setiap kisahnya membuat aku kaget, kehilangan kata-kata, dan berujung nangis.

Betapa sibuknya manusia akan 'hiruk-pikuk' dunia sampai dia melupakan dan cenderung tidak peduli dengan apa yang sebenarnya—selama ini—terjadi di Palestina.

Dari semua berita dan film dokumenter yang aku cerna, buku ini seolah membantu aku untuk melihat lebih dekat lagi—dari sudut pandang para turis, termasuk penulis berdarah Palestina. Nah, beberapa penulis dalam buku ini bilang—kira-kira begini: kita mau nulis apa kalo nggak terjun langsung?

Karena ini bukan buku fiksi, warna-warni highlight pun mulai bermunculan sejak membaca tulisan Selamat Datang oleh Mahmoud Darwish. Sepanjang membaca buku tuh: Oh, begini perasaan mereka. Oh—perbuatan bejat ini bukan pertama kali. Oh, aku baru tahu.

Penulis dalam antologi ini bukan cuma penulis fiksi, tapi juga ada penyair, dan jurnalis. Mereka nggak segan-segan menuliskan secara gamblang tentang Palestina, begitu juga tentang Israel (omong-omong ada penulis zionis yahudi di sini)

I don't succeed in escaping; always worrying for my family and thinking of the death that seeks them. We were born during war and we die during war. What we live are moments stolen from the devouring mouth of death.

— Atef Abu Saif.

Puisi kesukaanku dua di antaranya karya Suheir Hammad, tapi aku bakal masukin salah satu potongan puisi lain
International law is clearly for internationals only.
By now, a seven-year-old in Gaza have survived three wars already, and you're still talking about talks, and sending John Kerry to the Middle East and thanking Egypt for facilitating nothing.
There's more blood than water today in Gaza.

—Jehan Bseiso.

Dua dari puluhan fakta dalam buku ini:
Apa sih yang orang-orang Palestina pengen kita lakukan? Boikot. Mereka nyebut itu berkali-kali.
Bener gak sih orang Palestina gak pernah mengutuk zionis? Ya, di sini diceritakan secara singkat.

White phosphorus.
The lights with a flare and six burning stars fall to the ground and one lands on you, you're running but it's on you and your skin and you smell it burning smell your flesh singeing and water won't help water won't put it out it just burns and burns deeper through you.
We need a new language. The old one has been corrupted.
They have engineered the Red Cow.
Burning gas falls from the sky.
They are building.
We need a new language.
Negotiated settlement, natural expansion, security barrier, internal refugees, defense forces, seam zone, blockade, conflict, humanity, democracy, dialogue, peace.

—Omar Robert Hamilton.

... the notion that Palestinians are not human beings at all, not even animals, but germs, or a virus that must be isolated and destroyed.

—Jamal Mahjoub.