A review by gpv
Things We Found During the Autopsy by Kuzhali Manickavel


'Things We Found During the Autopsy' is a collection of short stories and flash fiction that deals with several morbid topics ranging from alcoholism, drug addiction, and suicides (other things) to rafts made of whores, gender discrimination, and alcoholic whales among other things.

Kuzhali lets her imagination run rampant all over the pages. Using a variety of style of narrations, she teleports us into the head of an eclectic array of characters. Using metaphors, abstract writings, or just plain in-your-face narration, she gives a glimpse into a variety of sordid issues. As is often the case with such books, there were stories that were quite an enjoyable read, there were some that required me to think a bit later on to grasp them completely, and there were some that plain escaped my comprehension (or maybe I was trying to find meaning in them where none existed).

Either way, this is one of the weirdest and most eclectic books I've read. I would only recommend this if you like reading stories that may at times make no sense to you (or may require some efforts to make sense of them).