A review by adamdavidcollings
And The Beat Goes On by Tracy Krauss


This is a suspenseful edgy tale. It starts off with a glimpse into the distant past. We see a race of pre-flood people who worship pterodactyls. This provides some great texture to the story. We then jump to present day and join Mark Graham - an archaeologist on a very important dig. Things get hairy when he discovers remains of an ancient civilisation - and pterodactyl bones buried along with human remains.

Suddenly Mark finds himself in grave danger. A conspiracy is at work. Mark isn't sure what to believe through all of this. His Christian family see his discovery of evidence for creationism. As a non-believer Mark is highly sceptical.

I enjoyed the development of Mark's character. He was portrayed in a gritty realistic way through every step of his character journey. Woven into all of this was a romantic sub-plot which was nicely done. We see the characters go through a whole range of emotions as they deal with the various issues that come up.

This is a story of danger and betrayal. In his hopelessness, Mark refuses to give up. As the story races towards its thrilling conclusion we discover a dark villain who reflects the worst parts of us when we try to do bad things for the sake of a good cause.

I highly enjoyed this book and would recommend it to others.