A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
A Curious Incident by Vicki Delany


A Curious Incident by Vicki Delany is the 6th A Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery. It can be read as a standalone for those new to the series or if you have missed a book or two. I thought A Curious Incident was well-written with developed characters and steady pacing. Gemma Doyle is a unique protagonist. Gemma is an Englishwoman who lives in West London, Massachusetts where she manages the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop and Emporium, which she co-owns with her uncle Arthur. Gemma has a keen eye for detail. She notices things and makes connections that others miss. I enjoyed the Sherlock Holmes references in the story as well. West London is a charming small town filled with quaint shops. There is a cast of residents that suit a small town (gossipy woman who compete against each other). Lauren was a great addition to the story. She is such a sweetie. I enjoyed the interactions between Lauren and Gemma. I also love Gemma’s sweet neighbor, Mrs. Ramsbatten. She has such an interesting past. The whodunit had several suspects, a red herring, and good clues. There was one aspect of the case that I found unique. I enjoyed following Gemma as she questioned people and discovered clues. It is fascinating how her mind works. The one thing I am not a fan of is the relationship between Ryan and Gemma. I do not feel any sparks between them in this book and I did not like how Ryan treated Gemma. I am hoping someone new will come to town who will be a better match for Gemma. A Curious Incident was a delight to read. I am eager for the next book in this engaging series. A Curious Incident is an entertaining cozy mystery with a missing moggy, a troubled tween, a clever canine, a disgruntled detective, a grouchy gardener, and a snoopy shop owner.