A review by purplestones
Only Forward by Michael Marshall Smith


This book was incredibly close to gaining 5 stars from me and it just might by the end of 24'.

This is my first sci-fi read in a very long time and I'm struggling to tell if I am nostalgic to the genre so rate this super highly and/or this book is bloody terrific and a 5-star.

For now, I rate as four as the only downfall is that I would on occasion have to re-read some areas as to understand but that makes sense because of the complexity of the surrounding world we are brought into. I found this book quite simply incredible, the writing, the characters, the plot and the worlds as to which we were introduced gripped me from the very beginning. The small details truly make this book what it is, for example the talking elevators and the quirks every town has of their own. I loved how unique this felt and to me I haven't felt so enjoyable reading in quite some time. This was such a fun read and I would love to read more similar to this in the future.

Excited to start the hunt for futuristic, weird world, talking object plot-based books.