A review by missjackieoh
Second Lives by P.D. Cacek

I'm not going to review this book too much. I DNF'd at about 40%, not because it was terrible or anything like that, but because it just wasn't for me. I hate that I HAVE to rate this book. I don't like rating books I don't finish. Therefore, I highly encourage you to read what I have said and then make your own decision, and read other reviews as well.

I can definitely see why some people are going to love this book. The characters (from the little I read) were good, the plot is interesting, and the writing style was great.

My sole problem with the book is that we are introduced to so many characters so quickly that I couldn't get a feel for any one character or their role in the story. By the time I gave up I don't think we had even gotten to the plot of the story and I had already been given so much information that it almost felt tedious to continue. If I have gotten nearly halfway through and I don't have a favorite character or an interest in the plot, then I have to just say this book isn't for me.

** this book was given to me for free for review from the publisher. Thank you to Netgalley and Flame Tree Press for the opportunity. My opinions are entirely my own.