A review by melissayabookshelf
The Letter Q: Queer Writers' Notes to their Younger Selves by Sarah Moon


Many of the letters to the authors' teen selves in The Letter Q knotted up my stomach and / or brought tears to my eyes. They write with an honesty that is at times poignant, and at other times, are funny and heartwarming. Although it's directed toward LGBT teens, I think readers of all ages and sexual orientations will enjoy this book, and of course, buying this book is sure to save lives. Why? Well, part of the profits will go toward the Trevor Project, the leading, national nonprofit organization designed to provide crisis intervention and suicide prevention among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and questioning teens. Pick it up today to not only help lend your support for this wonderful organization, but also to read what it was like growing up for some of the most well-known LGBT writers, editors, comic writers, and illustrators.