A review by abigailbat
Science Comics: Coral Reefs: Cities of the Ocean by Maris Wicks


A fun and informational introduction to coral reefs, this book contains TONS of science info. Maris Wicks does a great job of starting from the beginning with each subject, whether it's the difference between animals & plants when introducing the reader to coral or what climate change is when talking about how the environment affects coral reefs. Even kids who think they know a lot about coral reefs and the ocean will probably learn something new from this book.... and they will enjoy doing it!

Wicks's cute, cartoony style is a great medium for the information. She puts in lots of funny little asides and cute, humorous illustrations. One of my favorites is an illustration of flowers "eatin' up the SEE-OH-TOO"/"fartin' out the oxygen". The book is filled with funny little things like that that will keep readers laughing and poring over the illustrations for more.

Highly recommended for kids who like informational comics or who are interested in science and/or oceans.

(Also: I LOVE the idea of the Science Comics series! If all the installments are as entertaining and informative as this one, we are in for a real treat!)