A review by teenytinylibrary
Twinderella, a Fractioned Fairy Tale by Corey Rosen Schwartz


Did you know that Cinderella had a twin sister? Most people don't, but you should get to know Tinderella, math whiz extraordinaire. Corey Rosen Schwartz, teamed with Deborah Marcero, has created a sure to be smash hit with Twinderella. I love Schwartz's signature rhyming style, the words roll of my tongue magnificently, both in rhyme and meter and I can hardly wait to share this in storytime. Marcero's illustrations, watercolor with India ink, are bright and cheery with just the right amount of detail, enough that you're always discovering new things upon rereading. I'm also excited about the math language in here. We know (thank you research*) that girls usually start out deficient in math language, that grown ups are more likely to use math words with boys, rather than girls, so a girl-oriented book about fractions is fantastic! Overall, this is a cute, funny, important book. I want to put it in the hands of all the girls who come to storytime.

*See Thirty Million Words: building a child's brain : tune in, talk more, take turns by Dana Suskind