A review by spitzig
The Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction by Justine Larbalestier


I LOVED this book. It's been a while since I read it.

The chapter on Tiptree was enlightening. An author who wrote works that compared to Hemmingway in masculinity(according to a review by Silverburg). But, was a female author hiding as a male author. Impossible, these days with the interconnected nature of things, but quite possible in her day.

My favorite was the letter to the editor written by a young Isaac Asimov. The letter read like an intelligent version of "girls are icky" about females on SF(I don't remember whether as reader, author, or character).

It also gave me a good idea of the development of SF fandom(I've read very little on the subject). In a general way-not just from the point of view of feminism. For example, it started as a mailing list. The letters got collected into (what would now be called) fanzines. These fanzines eventually became the SF magazines that for a long time were the backbone of SF.