A review by egleasonpresby
Crooked Little Heart by Anne Lamott


Last night, as I was sleeping
I dreamt—marvelous error!—
that I had a beehive
Here inside my heart.
and the golden bees
were making white combs
and sweet honey
From my old failures. -Antonio Machada (from Times Alone)

The excerpt above is in the preface of Crooked Little Heart. I enjoyed the first Anne Lamott I picked up, but the second, for whatever reason, I didn't finish. I haven't picked one up since. Then, as I was finishing my last exam and requesting piles of books from my stored lists in my library account, I came across this one. The title caught my attention and I thought I'd give Lamott another try. This is a novel, the first of hers I've read. It was a fast read I finished in a couple days and I was quickly drawn in.

The characters are messy, imperfect, human. At times I wanted to reach through the pages and shake them to their senses for one reason or another. It's the honesty with which Lamott paints the characters that makes the story. Their faults, but mainly their redemptive qualities, capacity for forgiveness, and subtle, but obvious love for one another.