A review by octavia_cade
Red Moon and Black Mountain: The End of the House of Kendreth by Joy Chant


I have to admit it took me a while to get into this story of three kids transported to a magic land, but by the end I was enthralled. It's not really a children's book, and the religious roots are quite clear. Atheist as I am, that doesn't really bother me - it's just another mythological tradition - for legend and myth are the lifeblood of this story, running close under the surface. In many ways it reminds me a little of Narnia (especially The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) but there's no denying that Chant's work is far kinder, subtler, and more intelligent than Lewis' - more affecting as well. That's not a knock against Lewis, as I'm extremely fond of Narnia, but the two worlds are really written on two very different moral levels.

I'm going to have to find myself a copy.