A review by jamesalextom
The Vain, Volume 1 by Eliot Rahal


The Vain is a pop culture tour of America’s bloody history, using the backdrop of theft, serial killers, military conflict, cults, and conspiracies this short read is fun romp. There are more than a few cinematic nods that are executed stylishly on the page, with a number of sequences that I would recommend to students looking for examples of how to balance action and character.

As a fan of Vampire stories The Vain’s exploration of the ethics of trading human blood for immortality was expected but welcome. The rules it set out for it’s vampires were reminiscent of Being Human or American Horror Story. However it concerned itself less with the psychology of the vampire protagonists leaving some chapters feeling a little unsatisfied. I was though entirely gratified with the conclusive ending cementing the story as the self contained narrative it needed to be.