A review by heabooknerd
Cut and Run by Tina Folsom, Lara Adrian


CUT by Lara Adrian
3 stars

Tori thought she had the love of her life, but when Ethan disappears one morning she's devastated. When Tori runs into Ethan 3 years later she wants answers but she's not sure she can trust anything Ethan says. Ethan was an agent in the covert government Phoenix Group that uses psychically gifted people to prevent terrorist attacks. However, when the group is burned and all the agents go into hiding, Ethan is forced to leave Tori behind. He's been on the run ever since and he doesn't want Tori to end up in danger because of him. I loved the concept of the psychic agent covert group and how all these agents are on the run after they get burned. This book was mostly action and the reuniting of Tori and Ethan but it sets up the beginning of the Phoenix agents getting back together. Though Ethan's immediate problem is resolved, the overall mystery of what happened to the Phoenix Group is left unanswered. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about Ethan, since he's hiding his true identity from Tori and knows he'll have to leave her at any second. But I did end up liking him as you understand how his feelings grew for Tori and how in reality, Ethan long ago pushed away his "real" identity and his hurtful past. I did feel like Tori forgave Ethan really quickly after they met again but the book is only about 135 pages so there really wasn't space to drag it out.


RUN by Tina Folsom
2 stars

Scott was a part of the Phoenix Program before it all went down and he's been hiding out ever since. But he was more than just an agent, he was the adoptive son of the Program creator and he feels that loss keenly. Phoebe is a journalist about to lose her job if she doesn't do something to impress her Editor in Chief. When she and the kids she's chaperoning are almost killed, she's stunned to be saved by a mysterious motorcyclist who seemed to know exactly what to do. But when he runs and refuses to talk about himself, Phoebe becomes suspicious. I struggled a lot more with this one for several reasons. First, there was something about the writing that just didn't work well for me. It was super descriptive in some areas, especially the bedroom scenes, and I found myself skimming most of them toward the end. I did like Scott's character and I really felt for him in regards to losing his father. You could tell he was still affected by that loss even after 3 years. However, I didn't really like Phoebe because she came across as really one-dimensional and a bit stereotypically. I know that the characters are supposed to have insta-love but they fall into bed together really fast and in a way that just doesn't make sense. Phoebe also gets angry at all the "right" moments that a woman is supposed to get angry and she had very little background development compared to Scott. The assassin in this one was also terrible; he came across as a caricature of what an evil assassin is supposed to be. He was way too emotional and seemed to be taking the assignment personally which is the exact opposite of hired killers.