A review by willac
Forgive Me by Daniel Palmer


Angie DeRose is a private investigator who specializes in finding runaways. In fact, she's pretty obsessed, and considers herself on the clock 24-7. She loves her parents, who gave her a wonderful childhood, and spends a lot of time with them. In fact, the book opens with her having lunch with them, as she often did, and being called away to deal with a new case.

There are two plot lines in this book -- one dealing with the runaway that Angie is hired to find, who turns out to have been captured by a human trafficking ring, and the other dealing with Angie's search for the truth about her parents. After her mother's sudden death, Angie is going through some old papers in the attic and finds a mysterious photograph with an even more mysterious note on the back: "May God forgive me."

I enjoyed this book very much, although I found the protagonist a little less than sympathetic. But since her livelihood depended on her being just that, it was completely understandable.

Definitely a good read.

I received this book from NetGalley in return for an honest review.