A review by jadeeby
Under the Mesquite by Guadalupe Garcia McCall


Originally published at my blog Chasing Empty Pavements

I had mixed emotions going into this novel. I noticed it was in verse and I haven't been fond of too many books written in verse yet I LOVED the subject matter. I love the Hispanic culture, language and coming of age stories, so I sort of already knew I would enjoy this novel. And enjoy it I did. It was absolutely stunning. This was an extremely short novel, I read it in about 45 minutes and so my review will be a little different because I couldn't dissect it as much as I would a normal length novel. Plus, there's not much to dissect, I absolutely fell in love with McCall's beautiful, lyrical writing. Lupita's coming of age story includes being uprooted, taunted by classmates, learning to appreciate her Mexican heritage, loss, grief and healing. McCall seamlessly meshes English and Spanish words to create a lulling, beautiful symmetrical novel. I cannot say enough positive things about this novel. It took my breath away! If you have just under an hour, then you have time to read and appreciate this novel. I give it an A!!

**I received this book free from the publisher through www.netgalley.com. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.