A review by joshgauthier
Archangel by William Gibson


Despite not having quite the complexity of some of Gibson's other work, "Archangel" does offer a fascinating premise which blends science fiction, alternate history, and WWII spy thrillers. Engaging, fast-paced, and delivering some interesting conceptual questions - Gibson's entrance to the world of graphic novels is a notable one.

However, "Archangel" is not a perfect story by any means - and I am uncertain if the fault lies more with Gibson's script or stems from some other step in the creation process. For one, the art - though quite striking at times - also has moments when it makes it difficult to follow the story. Additionally, there are moments when the writing moves a little too quickly through its subject matter to be truly satisfying. Finally, knowing the intensely complex work that GIbson is capable of, aspects of this story just felt a little more familiar than I was hoping for.

So it's a good comic in its own right and a fair debut for Gibson. I'll be curious to see if he continues working in the medium and what he delivers next if he chooses to do so.