A review by sammah
The Godsend by Bernard Taylor


For as long as I can remember, evil kids in stories have always given me the creeps. It's just the idea that something so small and innocent could be so genuinely horrible (I also blame the movie The Good Son, which I saw as a kid and which seemingly scarred me for life).

I was scared off of stories about evil children, however, by the abomination that is Baby Teeth. That book was so awful, and I hated it so much, that I almost didn't bother to pick this book up. Then I reconciled with the fact that Godsend was written in the 1970s, and probably was much better than Baby Teeth. So I gave it a chance.

I loved it.

The idea that Bonnie was doing all these nefarious things even from basically infancy was fascinating. I also loved the idea that she was left in the "nest" (the comparison to the birds was a very spot on one in the story), and had to cull the others in order to thrive and survive. I enjoyed watching the family slowly unravel, and the father struggle to get the mother to understand what was going on. That ending too! Like I really thought the mom was gonna go with it and things would end differently for Lily and just yes. I loved all of it!

All in all it was a good, quick read last night during a thunderstorm that left me totally satisfied. Way to save me after Baby Teeth, Bernard Taylor! I thank you immensely!