A review by crtsjffrsn
An Ordinary Boy by Brian Centrone


Tom Grove is looking forward to his first year of college. Among many opportunities, the one he can't wait for the most is the chance to explore his sexuality. He's read online about how much easier it is to be gay and find a guy on a college campus. But things aren't exactly as easy as Tom expected. And for someone who isn't used to being out, the idea of when and how to tell those close to him has Tom thrown for a complete loop. Can Tom survive despite his hot but straight roommate, the campus gay club, his overbearing mother, and his best friend who seems to keep disappearing for weeks at time?

Talk about a wild ride. This went in so many directions that I never expected when I first picked it up. And the twists kept right on coming as I worked my way through the book. But every one of those twists seemed to work, and they helped bring the story to a great conclusion. Tom's journey feels authentic and I found myself engaged as a reader right to the end...