A review by kymme
The Emotionary by Eden Sher


Very cute concept--a dictionary of new words blended from old words, combined with comics to illustrate many of the terms. The comics are fantastic, and many of the terms shine a light on something new/cool in the smashup. I love the word fauxcus--a combination of "faux" and "focus" meaning "to devote a great deal of time and effort to a pointless task." So. Perfect. I also liked solopsess (though I'd have spelled it solipsess), combining "solipsism" and "obsess" to describe overthinking/overfeeling about an embarrassing thing no one else even remembers. The author's neuroses are many (and on full display! very brave), and a lot of the words would speak more to introverts than extroverts, but there's a lot for everyone to recognize and empathize with and be amused by here.