A review by b_mcg
Asimov's Science Fiction, November/December 2020 by Zack Be, Marissa Lingen, Paul Di Filippo, Connie Willis, Julie Nováková, Kate Maruyama, Chen Qiufan, Steven Withrow, Sam Schreiber, Erwin S. Strauss, Rick Wilber, Lora Gray, Darrell Schweitzer, Robert Silverberg, Sheila Williams, Jack McDevitt, Peter Payack, James Gunn, James Patrick Kelly, Allen M. Steele, Kevin J. Anderson, Garrison Kammer, Alaya Dawn Johnson


Christmas at the Hilbert Astoria - 4/5
The Mirages - 2/5
The Hind - 3/5
Grief, as Faithful as My Hound - 3/5
Forger Mr. Z - 3/5
Return from the Stars - 2/5
Footprint - 3/5
Pull It From the Root - 1/5
The Long Iapetan Night - 4/5
Return to Glory - 3/5
Take a Look at the Five and Ten - 4/5