A review by bibliobrandie
Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu


Moxie girls fight back!
Riots not diets!
SO many students have told me, "You HAVE to read this book." I don't know why I waited so long. This story is set in a high school in Texas overflowing with toxic male masculinity. Girls regularly get shamed for their clothes but guys get to wear really inappropriate shirts without consequence. Girls experience sexual harassment and assault regularly and are told to just "calm down" if they object. Boys sports have all the latest and best gear while the girls have bake sales for their needs.
I loved Viv. I loved her mom. I loved just about everything in this YA feminist grrl revolution. It was heartwarming and infuriating and had me cheering throughout and clapping at the end. I appreciated how Viv's relationship with Seth showed the complicated nature of discovering your feminist views while at the same time being in a relationship with a guy for the first time...even if they are one of the "good" guys. Also, this was my high school. This book shows how powerful women can be when they unite and support one another. This book made me happy.