A review by sarahoretsev
Chappy by Patricia Grace


Patricia Grace is just a phenomenal writer. Absolutely phenomenal. This novel tells the story of Oriwia and Chappy, a Māori New Zealander and a Japanese migrant, pre WWII and post WWII, and the impact of the Japanese being an enemy of New Zealand on that relationship. Spanning New Zealand, Japan, Hawaii, and Europe, with other colourful characters such as Oriwia's grandson Daniel, who this story is being told to, and Aki (the ultimate go-between with these characters, who is also a fiery, beautifully written character - the way he refuses to tell this story in anything other than Māori, making Oriwia stay up all night translating it for her grandson? Outstanding, I stan), this novel weaves together history with the all encompassing question of "What is national identity and how does this shape who we are?" Beautifully written and emotionally told, once again, Grace just doesn't disappoint in the slightest.