A review by tapsandtomes
Hell by Robert Baldick, Henri Barbusse


See here for my full review! http://ilayreading.com/2015/09/24/the-infernohell/

This is heavy stuff. Our voyeur is a philosophical man, and the book is a manifesto of anti-religion, as he compares his “experiences” against those of Peter in Revelations. It’s pretty athiestic, except he does say “I believe” quite often (hence why I say “Anti-Religion). It’s definitely an interesting book, but very complicated and, again, heavy. And did I mention it’s creepy?

Hell also deals quite heavily in death, and towards the end he talks about how we are all alone–so this could be quite triggering for some people. It does get quite dark.

I don’t quite know how I feel about this one, other than I’m creeped out by it. It’s definitely deep, and requires further analysis. I might read it again at some point, but for now, I’m not going to let myself dwell on it.