A review by the_fabric_of_words
Nate Expectations by Tim Federle


This is the conclusion to Nate's series, and we cried a bit at the end, especially how it all wraps up, with the tie to the first book. It was quite poetic.

Nate's run on Broadway's E.T.: The Musical is over. The show fails to get even a Tony nomination so it's back to Janksburg, PA. Where no one gets Nate.

Except...maybe now they do? He's a bit of a celebrity, due to Libby, his best friend (and it was great to finally see her in action!) and indefatiguable marketing machine. And when he decides, for an English project, to stage his own musical -- Charles Dickens' Great Expectations, set to modern day music (without getting the rights to use the music, of course and unfortunately) -- he becomes Nate the Director, sought out by Gym teachers looking out for their neices and a really cute boy named Ben.

I won't spoil the twists and turns, and it is a bit of a romance, but all very innocent and uplifting (I can't say what happens; that would ruin it, so just trust me on this, it's a great ending!).

This series was such a gem. You'll have to read it for yourself and enjoy Nate's antics, his wonderful sense of humor and unique way of interpreting the world around him. It'll make a great gift for the holidays.


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