A review by clrwht
Veil of Fate by Jinapher J. Hoffman


Jinapher J Hoffman is the queen of misdirection. That’s two of her books I’ve now read where I’ve picked up on a relatively predictable plot twist fairly early on, only to be thrown a curveball later in the book that I didn’t see coming.

I swear she feeds us these easy to guess storylines that we’ll inevitably focus on the whole way through, waiting for it to happen, all so she can plant the seeds for another twist that will absolutely blindside you. It’s very exhilarating and makes for a really enjoyable reading experience. Such a sneaky sneak!

I really enjoyed this one, although not quite as much as For Mist and Tar. Zora is very likeable as a MC, but I did find the world building in this one a little on the weaker side. The love story element seemed a bit out of the blue too - we went from zero to one hundred and I feel like I missed the middle. Where was the build up, the angst and the growing tension?

This is a shorter book, so I understand trying to fit more into less pages, but it came across rushed for me. There also seemed to be a bunch of plot holes, but I’m hoping these will be answered in the next book - I’m for sure going to keep reading so I guess I’ll find out!

In summary: short and not so sweet - sharp and gripping with a bit of fun and an immediate connection between characters. I have SO many unanswered questions, so on to the next book we go