A review by travelerswife4life
Nomad (Book Two) by R.J. Anderson


Yall…I have no idea where to begin describing the epicness that is this book. Nomad is the second book in R. J. Andersons The Flight and Flame trilogy, and I was totally not prepared for the next level that R. J. Anderson took this book to. I mean I LOVED Swift the first book in the series, but this one….
   The adventures that Ivy and Martin go on are riveting in their intensity and made me stay up way too late to finish the book. I love the way all the characters interact together; R. J. Anderson has created such good relationships between her characters that they feel natural and inclusive. I loved how Ivy stepped up in this book and became a leader for her people. I also really love Martin’s antics and layered characteristics that keep me wondering.
  Readers of all ages will love this epic fantasy filled with great characters, an original storyline, and an adventure of a lifetime. I HIGHLY recommend Nomad and I CANNOT wait for Torch to release! 5 out of 5 stars!

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.