A review by lilyn_g
Dead Petals-An Apocalypse by Eric Ortlund


Dead Petals had potential. A group leader who isn't all "Yessss, we must stick together!" and has no desire to be an action hero. The other characters acted just as crazy as you'd expect people to act if the feces ever actually hit the fan. Some of the characters were just amusingly weird in general. The author's view on zombies was unique and extremely interesting. He also has a serious ability for poetic descriptions.

Unfortunately, those are the only positives I can use to describe the story. The writing just could not carry the plot. That's as nicely as I can put it. I constantly found myself backtracking to see what I'd missed, and even wondering at parts if the bad formatting of the e-book I'd received meant that I was actually missing pages of text. No, as it turns out the pages were there, the writing was just that choppy.

Its like the writer wrote down individual scenes as they entered his head, but then never went back through them and included the parts needed to make them a cohesive whole. So you have this constant feeling of jumping around, along with sections that make you wonder exactly when the characters made that left turn at Albuquerque as it tries to trek into the metaphysical.

Again, this book has potential; however, in order to reach it, it desperately needs several sessions with an exacting editor and the author has to be willing to flesh it out more. Without those two things, this book will never be what it could be.

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Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from Netgalley for review consideration