A review by verkisto
Force Heretic III: Reunion by Sean Williams, Shane Dix


When you read a series this long, you expect to end a book with questions left unanswered, threads still untied, but when you're reading a trilogy within a series, shouldn't it feel more self-contained? I get that this is a lot like reading a graphic novel series, where the larger story takes precedence over whatever storyarc you're in, but shouldn't the arcs themselves feel like individual stories? This whole trilogy is about searching for a lost planet (and watching a character find themself again), and it's 1193 pages long!

The fact that this is a trilogy seems completely arbitrary, as does the title of the trilogy and the books themselves. For that matter, EVERY book title in this series has been uninspired, forgettable, and about as evocative as listening to the hum of a washing machine. As much as I like the way this series is going, I'm glad there are only two books left in this dang thing.