A review by thearosemary
Old Man Logan #1 by Brian Michael Bendis, Marcelo Maiolo, Andrea Sorrentino


I feel as though I may be cheating by adding this to my list considering I only read the first issue, which was about thirty pages, but you know, you gotta do what you gotta do for the Goodreads reading challenge.

Anyways, Old Man Logan, from even the thirty pages I read, was incredible. The illustrations are stunning and the plot was instantly intriguing.

I would’ve purchased the rest of the issues and continued reading, but I was simply offered this issue for free with the purchase of my movie ticket for Logan. I actually read it while I was waiting for the film to start. (And yes, I cried watching the film. MULTIPLE TIMES.)

I hope to pick up the rest of the issues eventually and read the entire graphic novel. Logan is such a critical character in the Marvel universe, but I want to learn more about him. I hope to dive into more graphic novels starring the fan-favorite.