A review by dwinprincess
Forest of Dreams and Whispers by Katherine Macdonald


You want to read a fairy tale reimagined? Katherine MacDonald is your girl!! She retells fairy tales like nobody else. In Forest, we get Sleeping Beauty retold. It is flipped upside down tho, our 'Beauty' is a spoiled prince.

The you how it goes, a babe is born, person angry because they weren't invited to the party, but comes and brings a gift anyways. 18, gonna sleep, kiss needed, blah blah....

Well blah blah is HOLY MOLY, you gotta read!!! We have enemies to lovers, fae, Seelie and Unseelie, not one you always see specifically.

I promise you won't regret this read. Warning, it IS a whopper of a book, but SO worth it!!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.