A review by bigbookgeek
Clickers by Mark Williams, J.F. Gonzalez


What can be said about Clickers? Well, you can say it is an over the top homage to cheesy B movies. You can say it is full of some pretty heavy gore and violence. You can say it has some major structural flaws, but still manages to pack a punch. You can say there were some characters who were given too much page time and character development, only to be killed off. You can say that any horror fan who likes splatterpunk as well as B movies is going to love this one! You can also say that I absolutely loved the story! Clickers are these horrid giant crablike creatures that invade a small Maine town and attack the residents, devouring their victims alive. But their invasion is just the beginning of the horrors this town is about to face, what follows is something so awful and evil that the clickers are running for their lives from it! There are some pretty obvious structural and grammatical errors, but Gonzalez explains these pretty well in the preface. The fun spirit of the book, the gore, the gratuitous violence (if you've read anything of Gonzalez', you have an idea), and the freakin' awesome nod to Lovecraft all make it worthwhile!